Offline iOS becomes slow after a while

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins Mobile Speech Recognizer Offline iOS becomes slow after a while

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  • #11807


    I am using the Mobile Speech Recognizer in an iOS app. I am using the offline version. I make it start listening and use the partial results for my app without making it stop listening. I have noticed that, a few seconds after start listening is called, it works fine. But after a while, approx, 10 – 20 minutes of listening, it still works but with a delay of 5 – 10 seconds. For example, I say a word “Test”, the function GotPartialResult in SpeechRecognizerListener.cs is called 10 – 20 seconds later showing that it heard me saying “Test”.

    How can I make it work without any delays, always?

    Hoping to hear from you soon.

    Best regards

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