FailedDuringRecording SpeechRecognizer error code 7

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins Mobile Speech Recognizer FailedDuringRecording SpeechRecognizer error code 7

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  • #11614

    When I click for record and it gives me this error and my comparison code does not work well, sometimes it get a correct answer despite the fact that I didn’t say anything.


    Sorry, I don’t understand your issue. What do you mean by “my comparison code”?


    So I tried to get string from “finalresult” and compare it with another string, which finally return a float (by percentage).
    I’ve tried multiple scenarios to get when actually gives “error code7” and I get to the point where when I don’t say something after OnStartRecording(true) it will give me this error.
    any thought?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by radmaan.

    It looks like a suitable case when this error should be returned from the API. If I understood you correctly you described totally expected behavior.

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