Crash in daydream (Android 8.0.0)

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins Mobile Speech Recognizer Crash in daydream (Android 8.0.0)


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  • #1408

    The following error usually occurs when the speech get longer than around 10 words:

    java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not whitelisted:, sha1=38918a453d07199354f8b19af05ec6562ced5788, atk=false, ver=15090019.true

    Which will lead to killing in Process

    Whenever this error occurs, SpeechRecognizer.IsRecording() will not change back to false and onEndOfSpeech will never appear. This error also not being trapped by the error callback in the plugin.

    Please kindly advice how this can be fixed. Many thanks.


    Is there any method to trap this error and restart the recording services? Whenever this error occurs, the app stopped recording (as there is no more partial result) but the isRecording() function returns true.
    Please kindly help, many thanks!


    There is error callback coming from Google API so I have no idea why it isn’t caught there. It must be some serious bug introduced in that specific version of OS.

    Sadly I don’t have access to a device with Android 8.0 so I need to know some more details – is it happening on every device or only on some specific one?

    I also could not find any information on that error of “GoogleCertificatesRslt: not whitelisted” – isn’t there anything else in logs which could help us finding a solution?


    Our Client Device using is Lenovo Mirage Solo. My phone is Android 8.0 and this error never appears in my phone.

    I also wonder if there are any missing stuff i didn’t notice. Would you mind take a look at my logs?

    I ran the program twice to get two log files, both ran until I cannot dialog any more. In particular the log2 run made the dialog fail when I was still speaking. (after Ln 800)
    (Full sentence is “Nuggets are cheaper than chicken wings. Can I have nuggets?”)


    Many thanks!

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