App Crash after closing In-Appbrowser

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins In-App Web Browser App Crash after closing In-Appbrowser


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  • #350

    Below is my open and close codes.
    the sample Link I opened is this

    once I close the browser the App crashes in Android. Please help

    public void LoadSketchfab()
    if (PlayerPrefs.GetString(“selected ID”) != “”) ;
    InAppBrowser.DisplayOptions displayOptions = new InAppBrowser.DisplayOptions();
    displayOptions.displayURLAsPageTitle = false;
    InAppBrowser.OpenURL(“” + PlayerPrefs.GetString(“selected ID”) + “/embed?autostart=1&camera=0&ui_infos=0&ui_controls=0&ui_stop=0”, displayOptions);
    Debug.Log(“Loaded URL” + PlayerPrefs.GetString(“selected ID”));



    public void ClearBrowserCache()


    What kind of crash? What is in stacktrace?
    Not sure how I am supposed to help without any details.


    Hi Apologies If I did not provide full details.
    below is the debug of the App.
    Normally the browser works fine. It crashes if I load some Sketchfab page. Im not sure if the page is heavy to load.

    09-01 20:33:35.572 1009 28788 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity

    If I close the the browser with back button it waits for couple of seconds and crashes the App.

    09-01 20:33:26.847 28414 28428 I Unity : InAppBrowser: FinishedLoading
    09-01 20:33:26.847 28414 28428 I Unity :
    09-01 20:33:26.847 28414 28428 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
    09-01 20:33:26.847 28414 28428 I Unity :
    09-01 20:33:28.793 1009 1780 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x20000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{7654b08 1009:system/1000}
    09-01 20:33:32.338 28414 28428 I Unity : InAppBrowser: Closed
    09-01 20:33:32.338 28414 28428 I Unity :
    09-01 20:33:32.338 28414 28428 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
    09-01 20:33:32.338 28414 28428 I Unity :
    09-01 20:33:33.847 28414 28428 I Unity : Loaded URL
    09-01 20:33:33.847 28414 28428 I Unity :
    09-01 20:33:33.847 28414 28428 I Unity : (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)
    09-01 20:33:33.847 28414 28428 I Unity :
    09-01 20:33:33.915 1009 1779 W PackageManager: checkUidPermission(): android.permission.STATUS_BAR of 10125 is denied.
    09-01 20:33:33.967 1009 1685 W PackageManager: checkUidPermission(): android.permission.STATUS_BAR of 10125 is denied.
    09-01 20:33:34.009 1009 1020 W PackageManager: checkUidPermission(): android.permission.STATUS_BAR of 10125 is denied.
    09-01 20:33:35.572 1009 28788 D ActivityManager: SVC-mBroadcastQueues:
    09-01 20:33:35.572 1009 28788 D ActivityManager: SVC-mBroadcastQueues:
    09-01 20:33:35.572 1009 28788 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity
    09-01 20:33:35.572 1009 28788 D ActivityManager: moveHomeStackTaskToTop: moving TaskRecord{812cf84 #6 A=com.lenovo.olauncher U=0 sz=1}
    09-01 20:33:35.572 1009 28788 D ActivityManager: setMovingToBack false to TaskRecord{812cf84 #6 A=com.lenovo.olauncher U=0 sz=1}
    09-01 20:33:35.582 1009 28790 D ActivityManager: notifyAppAppExecption: com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR
    09-01 20:33:35.592 1009 28788 V ActivityManager: Prepare close transition: finishing ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:35.592 1009 28788 V ActivityManager: Finish needs to pause: ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:35.595 1009 28788 V ActivityManager: Moving to PAUSING: ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:35.595 1009 28788 I ActivityManager: startPausingLocked.updateThumbnail is run here
    09-01 20:33:35.631 1009 28788 V ActivityManager: Enqueueing pending pause: ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:35.631 1009 28788 D ActivityManager: updateUsageStats: comp=ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}res=false
    09-01 20:33:35.632 1009 28788 V ActivityManager: Waiting for pause to complete…
    09-01 20:33:35.656 1009 1009 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{7654b08 1009:system/1000}
    09-01 20:33:35.661 1009 1009 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=0 callerApp=ProcessRecord{7654b08 1009:system/1000}
    09-01 20:33:36.133 1009 1028 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:36.149 1009 1686 I ActivityManager: Process com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR (pid 28414) has died
    09-01 20:33:36.149 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Dying app: ProcessRecord{ea60356 28414:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125}, pid: 28414, thread: android.os.BinderProxy@617e53f
    09-01 20:33:36.150 1009 1686 W ActivityManager: send smart intent packageName=com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR
    09-01 20:33:36.150 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent { act=com.lenovo.ue.application flg=0x10 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-3 callerApp=ProcessRecord{7654b08 1009:system/1000}
    09-01 20:33:36.150 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: SVC-handleAppDiedLocked: app = ProcessRecord{ea60356 28414:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125}, = 28414
    09-01 20:33:36.150 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord — 28414
    09-01 20:33:36.161 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: removeDyingProviderLocked: cpr=ContentProviderRecord{dbffe0c u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.facebook.FacebookContentProvider} always=false inLaunching=false
    09-01 20:33:36.161 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: SVC-mBroadcastQueues:
    09-01 20:33:36.161 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: SVC-mBroadcastQueues:
    09-01 20:33:36.161 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing non-persistent process during cleanup: ProcessRecord{ea60356 28414:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125}
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mLRUActivities with 1 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #0 ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mStoppingActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mGoingToSleepActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mWaitingVisibleActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mFinishingActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.163 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from history with 1 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.164 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #0 ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}: app=ProcessRecord{29d033 1732:com.lenovo.olauncher/u0a25}
    09-01 20:33:36.164 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: App died while pausing: ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:36.164 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mLRUActivities with 4 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.164 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #3 ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:36.164 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: —> REMOVING this entry!
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: removeTimeoutsForActivity:
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #2 ActivityRecord{b97eee2 u0 com.unity3d.genericremote/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t29}
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #1 ActivityRecord{494cc62 u0 t43}
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #0 ActivityRecord{dccfd8 u0 t43}
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mStoppingActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mGoingToSleepActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mWaitingVisibleActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from list mFinishingActivities with 0 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Removing app ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125} from history with 4 entries
    09-01 20:33:36.165 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #3 ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}: app=ProcessRecord{ea60356 0:com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/u0a125}
    09-01 20:33:36.166 1009 1686 I ActivityManager: Removing activity ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f} from stack at 3: haveState=false stateNotNeeded=false finishing=true state=PAUSING$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:1385
    09-01 20:33:36.166 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Moving to DESTROYED: ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f} (cleaning up)
    09-01 20:33:36.166 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Clearing app during cleanUp for activity ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:36.167 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: removeTimeoutsForActivity:
    09-01 20:33:36.167 1009 1686 I ActivityManager: Removing activity ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f} from stack
    09-01 20:33:36.168 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: removeTimeoutsForActivity:
    09-01 20:33:36.169 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Moving to DESTROYED: ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f} (removed from history)
    09-01 20:33:36.169 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Clearing app during remove for activity ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}
    09-01 20:33:36.170 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #2 ActivityRecord{b97eee2 u0 com.unity3d.genericremote/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t29}: app=ProcessRecord{69c7eb0 17364:com.unity3d.genericremote/u0a122}
    09-01 20:33:36.170 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #1 ActivityRecord{494cc62 u0 t43}: app=ProcessRecord{eb95406}
    09-01 20:33:36.170 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Record #0 ActivityRecord{dccfd8 u0 t43}: app=ProcessRecord{eb95406}
    09-01 20:33:36.170 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Resuming ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.171 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Prepare open transition: no previous
    09-01 20:33:36.172 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Resume running: ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.172 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Moving to RESUMED: ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6} (in existing)
    09-01 20:33:36.172 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: setMovingToBack false to TaskRecord{812cf84 #6 A=com.lenovo.olauncher U=0 sz=1}
    09-01 20:33:36.177 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.177 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Configuration no differences in ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.177 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: resumeTopActivityLocked: Resumed ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.177 1009 1020 W PackageManager: checkUidPermission(): android.permission.STATUS_BAR of 10025 is denied.
    09-01 20:33:36.178 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: scheduleIdleTimeoutLocked:
    09-01 20:33:36.178 1009 1686 D ActivityManager: updateUsageStats: comp=ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}res=true
    09-01 20:33:36.178 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.178 1009 1686 V ActivityManager: Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.183 1009 1028 V ActivityManager: Activity paused: token=Token{53ac2cd ActivityRecord{8de09f7 u0 com.Steamrolleast.MS_UI_AR/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerNativeActivity t53 f}}, timeout=true
    09-01 20:33:36.193 1009 1751 W PackageManager: checkUidPermission(): android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL of 10025 is denied.
    09-01 20:33:36.198 1009 1695 I ActivityManager: Resumed activity; dropping state of: ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.200 1009 1685 W PackageManager: checkUidPermission(): android.permission.STATUS_BAR of 10025 is denied.
    09-01 20:33:36.237 1009 1394 D ActivityManager: activityIdleInternalLocked: android.os.Binder.execTransact:458
    09-01 20:33:36.238 1009 1394 V ActivityManager: Ensuring correct configuration: ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.238 1009 1394 V ActivityManager: Configuration unchanged in ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:36.658 1009 1033 V ActivityManager: windowsVisibleLocked(): ActivityRecord{29b5416 u0 com.lenovo.olauncher/ t6}
    09-01 20:33:38.399 1009 1685 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x20000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{7654b08 1009:system/1000}
    09-01 20:33:48.563 1009 1394 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x20000010 (has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 callerApp=ProcessRecord{7654b08 1009:system/1000}

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by mohanki.

    Managed to solve the issue.

    There was a bug with certain drivers. it crashes webview.
    Updating your webview in Android system will help a lot.

    i’m working on getting webview check while loading the App so that it can recommend update.

    Thank you.

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