Reply To: Unsupported ISO 3166 country: en_UK

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins Precise Locale Unsupported ISO 3166 country: en_UK Reply To: Unsupported ISO 3166 country: en_UK


Hi again,

We need to fix this issue because next week we plan an Open Beta test on Android.

For the momment we did this:

1. We isolated the calls to PreciseLocale.GetLanguage and PreciseLocale.GetRegion in a try/catch block in order to catch the exception. If any of these calls throws an exception,
2. We call PreciseLocale.GetLanguageID (which we should check on iOS because it might not return exactly what we need). If this call fails also,
3. We set to default EN_US

Is this the best workaround?
Do you have a better solution?

Can we hope for a proper fix by the end of next week?

Thank you.