Screen.Orientation IPhone

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins In-App Web Browser Screen.Orientation IPhone

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    I have a game force in portait mode. I use the browser to play video on youtube, before open the browser i switch landscape and I back portrait when I closed the browser

        protected IEnumerator PlayBackRoutine()
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
            Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape;
            while (Screen.currentResolution.height > Screen.currentResolution.width)
                yield return null;
            InAppBrowser.DisplayOptions displayOption = new InAppBrowser.DisplayOptions();
            displayOption.displayURLAsPageTitle = false;
            displayOption.hidesTopBar = true;
            InAppBrowser.LoadHTML("<div style='position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0px;bottom:0;overflow:auto;'><iframe id=\"ytplayer\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\"  src=\"\"  frameborder=\"0\" style=\"margin:0px;padding:0px;\"/></div>", displayOption);
        protected IEnumerator Close()
            Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
            while (Screen.currentResolution.height > Screen.currentResolution.width)
                yield return null;

    When I am in the browser (only on IOs), the screen orientation is not freeze in landscape. (I didn’t test if after leave browser it’s freeze in portrait or if I didn’t switch to landscape before open the browser it’s do shit too, but I will maybe try in th eweek )

    Do you know if it’s a know problem of your asset? 🙂


    Do not count on plugin listening to Unity orientation settings 🙂
    I will add an API so you could force browser to be in portrait or landscape orientation.
    Will send you it in a bit so you can test it out.


    Ok, check your email please.
    If it works I think I’ll add it in next plugin release.
    Also please confirm that it’s working correctly on Android or I have to make some changes there as well.


    Hi, thank you, yes it work well 🙂
    I didn’t test to set shouldStickToPortrait and shouldStickToLandscape to true both.
    On android it’s ok with orientation in unity

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