Offline, cached, persistened content & non-stop running browser

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins In-App Web Browser Offline, cached, persistened content & non-stop running browser

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    How to manage running browser in background without losing its content after closing? Looking for offline persistent web content, which will remain even after closing unity app and opening again.

    We have a unity app leveraging from online JS app. JS app has 20mb and contain help and more useful stuff. User works in unity app and sometimes needs to open JS app in browser.

    Now, when user opens browser with JS app, he must wait for 20mb to be downloaded every time. We would like to change this to: User first time visit JS app in browser and must wait for download 20mb. Next time the user opens JS, it is cached and JS app is opened immediately without downloading, just right page from cached JS app is opened.

    Local storage might be solution => if browser cannot be opened in background or cannot remember/cache last opened data, it might be possible to serialize content of browser before closing and save it into local storage. Then, deserialize it back while opening again. This solution is pretty overwhelming.

    Do you have any other suggestion for us?


    Hmm, first of all – plugin wasn’t meant to open 20MB JS apps but rather sample websites for help pages or something similar. Are you sure your tech stack is well planned here?

    Maybe solution for you would be using local files? So you either embed it in your application or download once and then open it from local resources.


    Hmm, first of all – plugin wasn’t meant to open 20MB JS apps but rather sample websites for help pages or something similar. Are you sure your tech stack is well planned here?

    Maybe solution for you would be using local files? So you either embed it in your application or download once and then open it from local resources.


    Tech stack is not perfect. We have strong need to communicate with phone hardware (NFC, USB, BLE) and we went thru long complicated journey to support it a few years ago. We are almost done and switching from Unity elsewhere seems to be crazy option for us now.

    We wrap complex cloud web app into the Unity. Web content is not static and it should be cached for limited time, thus local files might be option if we manage/control their updates and download. Thanks for suggestion, we will investigate that option. The files are junked and downloaded on-demand by a browser. Implementation of this inside Unity app might be new pretty complex task.

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