I use the browser to perform a login with the OAuth 2.0 authorization process with Office.
The process is the following :
1- I open a url in the browser (url 1) that points to a Office login page
2- I log-in with my login account
3- I close the browser once log-in is performed
4- I open a other url in the browser(url 2, which is different from url 1) that points to an other Office login page
5- I log-in again with the same login account
Notice that the process requieres two authentications to be completed (step 2 & 5).
On Android, I remark that the second authentication (step 5) is implicitly skipped because the browser conserves the credentials in the cache, even if url 1 is different from url 2. (I never clear the cache of the browser).
So the user has to type his email/password only one time, which is interesting for the user clicksteam.
However, on iOS, I note that the second authentication is not skipped. The user has to type his email/password two times, one per authentication.
I don’t know why the behaviour is different between Android and iOS.
Do you have some information about this ?
Is the cache differently managed between Android and iOS ?
Is there a solution to have this behaviour on iOS too ?
Thank you !