InApp Broser not closing on iOS

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    I am trying to close the in app browser with the InAppBroser.CloseBrowser command but the browser is not closing. Only if I hit the back button it is closing


    How exactly are you using this command? Do you see any error in logs?


    Good day, I have this problem as well on iOS and was wondering if there are any fix for this problem?

    A user opens a game(webview instance) then closes it (works properly at first) but the if the user opens it again, the close button doesn’t work anymore.

    We are using Javascript to communicate with the bridge from the main app, the webview instances has attached exit code using javascript, i am not sure why the exit only works once but it seems that there may be problem sending/receiving message from the webview instance to the main app.

    Looking forward for your response, and if you need any reference for this problem i’ll try to provide it for you.


    Same problem here… the CloseBrowser command doesn’t work

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