getting a error when building demo to iPhone

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins In-App Web Browser getting a error when building demo to iPhone

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    The app opens but is now blocked on iOS. Seems like something needs to be added but not sure what to add to the plist. Your manual indicates nothing is needed for the iOS version but something has changed. here is the error.

    InAppBrowserBridge not found!
    2018-10-19 14:09:14.040064-0700 proios[2964:4046949] App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app’s Info.plist file.

    I have the latest version of Xcode version 10.0 and the Latest version of unity. Not sure what to do now. It worked fine on android but now I am pushing the update to iOS and its not working. It did work in a previous build with 2017.2 and a older version of Xcode but now im getting this error.


    As logs says, Apple is trying to stop people using HTTP in favor of HTTPS. I think they introduced it in iOS 12. Its not really related to Unity or plugin version.
    So you have to either change address to use HTTPS or add an domain which you want to use as an exception in your plist file so OS will allow it to be used with HTTP. I am sure you can find how to do that.

    Let me know if you need more help.


    to be clear That log file was from running your demo scene. So as it stands your demo scene will not work to go to I understand what your saying but it looks like even going to google using your own demo scene will not work and you will be getting more people asking for help on this issue. It looks like your plugin doesn’t function to the end user if the demo scene fails. Since I have never had this issue I have had little luck finding the command to put in the info plist to allow unsecured connections. Anyway thank you for your time but As it stands your product is misleading to end user. Your own manual says no additional steps are needed. Find it yourself is not the response I expected. Anyway I will most likely just find another way to do this without your plugin. I require no more help from your company thank you for your time.


    Just change address in demo scene to, that’s it 🙂


    info Plist command

    App Transport Security Settings
    Allow Arbitrary Loads Yes

    is the command needed to get your plugin working now in iOS 12 (even to get to

    hope that helps others having issues with working with non secure sites.

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