Fullscreen Youtube Crash on iPhone

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  • #1301


    I recently purchased the InAppBrowser plugin for my application.

    The only yet severe issue I am facing currently is due to youtoube URLs.
    When any YouTube link is opened, the video plays full screen with a cross button on top left. Clicking that button causes the app come back to same state before it was played, now clicking play causes crash and/or status bar becoming visible for rest of the App usage.

    The crash doesn’t happen all the time, but it does occur after few attempts.
    This can be reproduced relatively easily in iPhones.

    Please help me finding the solution for this issue.

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by 3dprasad.

    OK, To confirm the issue further, I imported this plugin in an empty project and opened few YouTube URLs through it. And its fairly easy to observe the crash.

    Just following the steps mentioned in above post, It crashes frequently.


    I’ve checked it and I am able to reproduce this issue. I see crashes coming from some internal Apple’s player.

    I see many folks are reporting the same issue (happening both in app’s internal browser and using player library created by Youtube):

    This happens using a UIWebView as well, it’s probably an issue with iOS 12

    Also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52868555/ios12-play-video-in-webview-crash

    Sadly, I have no idea for any workaround for this issue, as it’s strictly related to youtube internals. Somehow iOS 12 breaks their code.

    Only thing which comes to my mind is refactoring plugins’ code to use WKWebView instead of UIWebView – but that would require a lot of time. Are you able to help me with it?


    Thanks for the update.
    Currently I am in the middle of a project due to which I might not get a dedicated time to actively work on this plugin. But instead if its about testing the plugin once in a while I can surely do so and provide you the feedback.


    So I checked it and although it’s possible to migrate to WKWebView it means we would have to change solution for C#<->JavaScript communication.
    I don’t want to break any existing apps by publishing new version of a plugin.

    Any idea how to approach this?
    I am thinking about two modes of iOS plugin – old backed by UIWebView and new one by WKWebView.


    I think having two modes sounds good idea, In my case I will make use of the one with WKWebView. I may provide you the feedback on its usage in iOS devices.


    Hi Piotr,
    Is there any update for the fix. Please let me know so that I can test it in my app and let you know.


    Hey @3dprasad – I’ve got beta version with fix for this issue. Would you like to receive and test it out before I release it to Asset Store? Let me know!

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