Chinese Support

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins Mobile Speech Recognizer Chinese Support

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  • #2056

    Hey, I bought your package this week and so far it is great. Thanks!

    I am trying to support Mandarin and it is not in the drop down. I see about 50+ languages in there, just no mandarin/chinese. I realize the drop down is being populated from the device (I am testing on android Pixel 3). Do you have a way to add/request new languages? I’m seeing some answers on stackoverflow on how to do it, but they are all native code and I’d rather not get into the dll level here… or at least check with you first. I’m curious if I could find the correct language ID, could I just set that string manually in SetDetectionLanguage and would it request it if it wasn’t found?

    Probably wishful thinking on my part 😉 But any advice you have for adding mandarin support at runtime would be greatly appreciated.

    Note: I don’t want to explore solutions that require going into settings as I can’t expect my users to do that.




    Could you point me to those stack overflow question about requesting new languages? Didn’t know it’s possible.


    I think I was mistaken. They are just showing setting languages by using the speech recognizer intent methods.

    I guess I am just confused as to why mandarin is not appearing in the drop down when it should be supported on my device. There are some really obscure languages in that long list. So my original google searches were for getting it to appear in that drop down. And that led me to the intent methods.

    Perhaps I can just set SetDetectionLanguage(“zh”) or similar?

    Any idea why it is not listed?


    Hmm maybe there is some bug in dropdown code?
    Could you check what you are getting in a callback result?

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