i use your in-app web browse plugin for my ARkit app , but when build to x-code it show 15 errors in file webview.mm , is your plugin have support for lastest ios version ?
it has a lot of error when build to xcode project and the error all in file webview.mm , i want to know that your plugin is compatible with ios 11.3 because i use it for my arkit app
i never say that you have the file “webview.mm” in your plugin , it’s in xcode project , when i build in IOS , however i will try to build new project which only have your plugin to sure that your plugin work with ios 11 🙂
i never say that you have the file “webview.mm” in your plugin , it’s in xcode project , when i build IOS , however i will try to build new project which only have your plugin to sure that your plugin work with ios 11 🙂