Android access denied with correct permissions?

Welcome! Forums Unity Plugins Mobile Speech Recognizer Android access denied with correct permissions?

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  • #2040

    Hello and thanks for reading,

    As a precursor, the API works flawlessly on my iPhone. The Android I’m using is an LG G5, and I’m on Android version 8.0.

    I can’t get the demo to work on Android, if I print the status in-game it says the authorization status is “denied”. I did this by printing status in resultText.text from the OnAuthorizationStatusFetched function.

    resultText.text = "Cannot use Speech Recognition, authorization status is " + status;

    The docs say to move your Android manifest from the StagingArea to your Android folder of your Unity project. I didn’t find AndroidManifest.xml in StagingArea but I did find AndroidLauncherManifest-main.xml in StagingArea which I moved to my Project/Assets/Plugins/Android folder

    Here is the text inside AndroidManifest-main.xml (now inside the Android folder), which has internet and audio enabled.

    Thanks for your time.


    Check this thread. Permissions have changed since Android 6.0.


    Yes, use this. Maybe need to add this in the documentation official of this asset

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by EducupEducup.
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