Cannot trigger the inappbrowser

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  • #1757


    I am trying the use the plugin in unity, but after compiled to xcode in run in my mobile, the in app brower isn’t show up, could you please help? Please see the below for the unity coding and the xcode log message. Thank you so much!!


    Unity Coding

    InAppBrowser.DisplayOptions options = new InAppBrowser.DisplayOptions();
    options.displayURLAsPageTitle = false;
    options.backButtonText = "Close";
    options.pageTitle = "";
    options.barBackgroundColor = "#cccccc";
    options.textColor = "#000000";
    options.browserBackgroundColor = "#ffffff";
    options.loadingIndicatorColor = "#2ceef0";
    options.hidesHistoryButtons = false;
    options.hidesTopBar = true;
    InAppBrowser.OpenURL(url, options);

    XCode Log Message

    2019-10-16 16:43:21.609856+0800 lfadventureapp[19974:4479367] WF: _userSettingsForUser mobile: {
        filterBlacklist =     (
        filterWhitelist =     (
        restrictWeb = 1;
        useContentFilter = 0;
        useContentFilterOverrides = 0;
        whitelistEnabled = 0;
    2019-10-16 16:43:21.610018+0800 lfadventureapp[19974:4479367] WF: _WebFilterIsActive returning: NO
    2019-10-16 16:43:24.130264+0800 lfadventureapp[19974:4479367] CoreAnimation: [EAGLContext renderbufferStorage:fromDrawable:] was called from a non-main thread in an implicit transaction! Note that this may be unsafe without an explicit CATransaction or a call to [CATransaction flush].
    2019-10-16 16:43:24.153477+0800 lfadventureapp[19974:4479367] CoreAnimation: [EAGLContext renderbufferStorage:fromDrawable:] was called from a non-main thread in an implicit transaction! Note that this may be unsafe without an explicit CATransaction or a call to [CATransaction flush].


    Thanks for posting here. Log Message does not say anything related to a plugin, so I am wondering if you could check sample scenes and let me know if you they work for you?



    Thanks for you reply. I found the problem and fixed. When the unity is set the default orientation only portrait. the inappbrowser will not show, but when i change it to “auto rotation”, then it works.


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